How to use bloglovin’

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Bloglovin’ is a pretty new app and website where you can pretty much see any blogs. You can even filter what kind of blog you want to follow , it is a really good way to discover new blogs and find out about pretty much any subject you can think of.
If you are yourself a blogger , it is pretty easy to sign up and add your blog to your profile , just :

  1. Make yourself a profile
  2. Add your blog
  3. Add the blog code they give you to your blog
  4. activate your blog !
  5. If your blog is about fashion / beauty , follow blogs about fashion/beauty. It will make your blog come up in their “similar blog” .

PS : For bloggers , they have a really cool thing called ” Activate by Bloglovin’ ” where you can register and it will give you campaign you can do , and It will also make it easier for brands to get in touch with you.

Hope that was helpful 🙂

Love xx


7 Comments Add yours

  1. Thinkdigest says:

    A friend recommended this me recently and I’m hoping to join the moving train 🚄 real soon. Thanks for sharing this. I think I will love it there.
    Much love, George

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just started it today and it is pretty cool! Hope you like it too 🙂 thank you for checking out my blog !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thinkdigest says:

        Oh I’m happy I did. It’s quite amazing! Happy to connect. 😃


  2. Really great post, definitely just clicked the follow button! Would be great if you checked out my profile

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just started following you on there!!
    Would love if you checked out my blog xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Loved your blog! 🙂


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